Sunday, December 20, 2015

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

With Christmas being just around the corner, I decided that it was time for my annual (something I just started doing last year really, but let's just go with it) Christmas filled pictures! What is mainly featured here is my Christmas tree, a couple of pictures of some ornaments with Christmas lights glistening in the background (you know, trying to get that Bokeh effect every photographer out there is talking about), and of course my gorgeous but spoiled doggy who is such an attention seeker, especially when my camera is out but is not on him.

You cannot imagine just how excited I am for Christmas. What excites me the most though is not the idea of receiving presents but the act of giving people either something I definitely know they want, or an unexpected gift that will genuinely generate a joyful and appreciative smile on their faces since they are caught by surprise.  Besides all the present giving and receiving, always remember that the most important things in life are health, happiness, family and having people around you who you truly love and truly love you back without an agenda or expectations.

I think it's time for me to stop rambling though and move on to the pictures!

Till next time x

Just look at those puppy eyes, how can you deny this dog anything when he's looking at you with those big pleading eyes?

And of course I had to take a picture of my little Benny since he wasn't happy that my camera was out and he wasn't being photographed (well up until that point anyway!)

Aaah it's all about that bokeh life!