Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Flowers covered in flour!

After a long absence from the blogging world, I am finally back! Work and life got in the way, hence my year long absence, but I have decided to return since I really have missed sharing my thoughts and my pictures with whoever is interested in these blog posts!

So today I'm sharing with you all a few pictures of flowers sprinkled with flour which I took at my photography class! It may look like snow, but it really isn't (as it has been clearly stated in the title of the post so I really don't know why I'm mentioning it again!), even though that would have been a quite exciting and interesting photo shoot.  However, it doesn't really snow in Cyprus and when it does it's only really up in the mountains, and I am a city girl.  Nevertheless, when it does snow I will try to go to the mountains to capture the snowy scenery! For the time being I hope you enjoy the effect of the fake snow on these stunning flowers :)

Till next time x

This one really reminds me of the flower in Beauty and the Beast!